
[ T R A I N I N G  A N D  P E R F O R M A N C E  S U P P O R T ]

Training and performance support are two of the most immediate and effective tools to effect organizational change.

W H A T  I S  T R A I N I N G ?

Training prepares employees to perform new skills. Relevant Learning specializes in the development of self-directed learning materials that dramatically reduce the time and expense inherent in classroom training while ensuring the successful transfer of skills to the learner. Effective self-directed training programs include:

[´] specific learning objectives
[´] overview of course materials
[´] clear operational instructions
[´] varied learning techniques
[´] feedback to trainees
[´] user control of the learning experience
[´] meaningful and challenging activities
[´] graphics to illustrate concepts
[´] frequent practice exercises
[´] self-testing

W H A T  I S  P E R F O R M A N C E  S U P P O R T ?

Once learners are trained they still need support in applying knowledge and skills on the job. Relevant Learning's performance support systems play a key role in reengineering and change managment efforts by guiding employees with just-in-time answers to real-world problems. Effective performance support systems provide on-the-job help with:

[´] making choices
[´] accessing difficult, hard-to-remember, and critical business information
[´] performing tasks
[´] making comparisons
[´] decision making
[´] using software systems and other technical tools
[´] troubleshooting
[´] preventing critical errors

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© 1995 Relevant Learning